Saturday, September 19, 2020

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Courts

By  Akhmad Zamroni  


The trial of cases of human rights violations in Indonesia is carried out through two court institutions, namely the general court (ordinary) and the human rights court (special). Judiciary through public courts is carried out to adjudicate cases of minor offenses. Meanwhile, the trial through a human rights court is conducted to try cases of gross human rights violations. Human rights violations that are categorized as serious violations are genocide and crimes against humanity –– apart from the two violations are still classified as minor violations.

With Law no. 26 of 2000 on Human Rights Courts, a special court has been established under the name "Human Rights Court". However, according to the provisions of this law, a human rights court is established to hear cases of serious violations that occurred after the enactment of (passed) Law no. 26/2000. In other words, the human rights court only has the authority to hear cases of serious violations that occurred after 2000. As for serious violations that occurred before Law no. 26 of 2000 applies, the trial is conducted by an ad hoc human rights court, that is, a special human rights court that is established on a temporary basis. Cases of gross human rights violations that occurred before Law no. 26 of 2000 in effect can also be resolved by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR).

Justice for cases of human rights violations is clearly a very important part. Through this judiciary, the protection and enforcement of human rights will be much determined and at stake. The success of human rights courts will determine the success of efforts to protect and enforce human rights in our country.

The success of human rights courts itself is primarily measured by its ability to produce decisions (verdicts). If the decisions it issues are fair and correct, the human rights court can be said to be successful in carrying out its duties and powers. If this is the case, it is hoped that the efforts to protect and enforce human rights will also achieve success.

In principle, the judiciary for cases of human rights violations must be able to give fair and correct decisions. A fair and correct decision on the one hand will be able to restore and restore the rights of the victim, while on the other hand it will provide sanctions or punishments that are appropriate to the perpetrators of the violation. Both in the short and long term, fair and correct court decisions will have a positive impact on human rights protection and enforcement. The positive impacts that will result, among others, are as follows.

   The public will become more aware of the importance of human rights.

    The community will be moved to respect and respect the human rights of each other.

   People will feel more secure and guaranteed their human rights.

   Society increasingly trusts, respects and obeys the law.

   People are not prone to human rights violations because they are increasingly critical, courageous, and proactive in making complaints and prosecutions.

   Those who have the potential to commit human rights violations will have more control over their behavior because of the deterrent effect (kapok).

    The likelihood or risk that cases of human rights violations will recur will be greatly reduced.

However, a fair and correct verdict in the trial of cases of human rights violations is not easy to realize. So far, court decisions in cases of gross human rights violations have very often caused controversy and dissatisfaction in the community. Even today, there are still many serious violators of human rights in the past - generally former officials and high-ranking police and military officers during the New Order era - who are still free to roam, untouched by the law.

Thus, the establishment of a human rights court with the task of adjudicating cases of violations is not sufficient. To optimize and ensure the success of the performance of a human rights court –– that is, one that can produce fair and correct decisions –– it is necessary for judges with conditions that are not playing games. Judges in a human rights court must truly master and have experience in human rights issues, be professional, have high morals, be free from KKN (corruption, collusion and nepotism), and have a high level of concern and dedication to human values. One more thing, they must also be able to work and give decisions on the basis of the highest justice and truth.

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Establishment of Human Rights Institutions

By  Akhmad Zamroni


Efforts to protect and enforce human rights are deemed incomplete if only relying on statutory regulations. The day after the proclamation of independence, Indonesia already has a legal basis for human rights, namely the Undang-Undang Dasar Negara RI Tahun 1945 (1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia), but for decades under the Orde Lama and Orde Baru governments the Indonesian people still experience human rights violations. The protection and enforcement of human rights by relying solely on laws and regulations have not produced optimal results ––  at least this is the case in Indonesia.

For this reason, the existence of statutory regulations is deemed necessary to be equipped with other instruments. Other instruments referred to, among others, are human rights institutions. It is important to establish an institution that specifically deals with human rights issues to strengthen efforts to protect and enforce human rights. It is hoped that such an institution can become the infrastructure for improving and advancing the condition of human rights.

To maximize their performance, specialized human rights institutions themselves are also required to meet certain, stringent requirements. The requirement is that the institution must be independent (neutral) and consist of qualified people who have great concern in the protection and enforcement of human rights. It should be added that the independent character implies being free from government interference and influence.

The involvement of government officials in human rights institutions is considered to reduce the institution's performance. This is because government officials are generally still bound by government influence and interests. Evidence shows that most of the human rights violations in Indonesia have been committed by government officials –– for the future, the situation is also predicted to be the same. That is why, if a human rights institution consists of people who are still active in the government or are influenced by the government, it is feared that this institution will fall into a government institution that will never be able to carry out efforts to protect, enforce, improve and promote human rights as such.

The need for the existence of human rights institutions in our country has begun to be fulfilled with the formation of the Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia/National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) commonly abbreviated as in 1993. However, at that time, because it was formed by a presidential decree and was still under the influence of the Orde Baru government, Komnas HAM did not show the performance as expected. This again proves that government involvement tends to negatively affect the performance of human rights institutions.

Another institution that resembles a human rights institution has previously been established, namely the LBHI (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia/Indonesian Legal Aid Institute). This institution actually has the main mission of providing assistance and advocacy (defense) in the legal process. However, because they often provide assistance and advocacy to people who experience human rights violations, LBHI is considered worthy of being categorized as a human rights institution because it has contributed to the protection, enforcement, improvement and advancement of human rights in Indonesia.

The same thing applies to an institution called Kontras (Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan/Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence). This institution, which was once led by a prominent human rights defender, Munir, has a very prominent role in the protection and enforcement of human rights in the period leading up to and after the collapse of the Orde Baru regime. Their role complements the role previously played by LBHI.

Apart from that, in 2000, the initiative to establish another institution with duties related to human rights was initiated. At that time, according to the plan, the institution in question would be named the Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi /Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR). This last institution will be established to solve the problem of human rights violations and abuses of power that occurred in the past within the framework of national harmony.


Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Formulation of Laws and Regulations on Human Rights

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Source: https

The existence of laws and regulations on human rights (HAM) is very important in efforts to protect and enforce human rights. Without laws and regulations that guarantee the existence of citizens' human rights with all their problems, all efforts to protect and enforce human rights are meaningless. Without a law that contains provisions on human rights, efforts to protect and enforce human rights will be very weak and can easily be countered or suffer stagnation because they do not have a valid and strong legal basis.

Therefore, since entering the reform era in 1998, various laws and regulations on human rights have been enacted. Through the initiative of the DPR and the government, a number of laws and regulations on human rights and other related matters have been passed. The statutory regulations that have been established are Law no. 5 of 1998 (concerning Ratification of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), Law no. 9 of 1998 (on Freedom to Express Opinions in Public), Law no. 39 of 1999 (concerning Human Rights), Law no. 26 of 2000 (concerning Human Rights Courts), as well as Presidential Decree No. 181 of 1998 (concerning the National Commission on Violence against Women). Other laws and regulations that are also enforced are as follows:

    UU No. 8/1999 concerning Consumer Protection,

    UU No. 19/1999 concerning Ratification of ILO Convention No. 105 concerning the Elimination of Workers by Force,

    UU No. 21/1999 concerning Ratification of ILO Convention No. 11 on Discrimination in Employment,

    UU No. 29/1999 concerning Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, as well

   Keppres No. 31/2001 concerning the Establishment of a Human Rights Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, the Surabaya District Court, and the Makassar District Court.


Prior to the emergence of these laws and regulations, we already had the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD Negara RI 1945) which also contained provisions regarding the rights of citizens. As a result of pressure for reform, the provisions of citizens' rights in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia were further deepened through amendments. This is done to strengthen the legal basis for preventing the recurrence of human rights violations such as during the Old and New Order periods as well as strengthening efforts to protect and enforce human rights for the future.

The existence of all these laws and regulations clearly determines the success of efforts to protect, enforce, improve and promote human rights in our country. Its presence is the legal basis for all these efforts. It is hoped that the existence of laws and regulations will make all efforts to improve and advance human rights conditions more legitimate and convincing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Education

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


Efforts to protect and enforce human rights through education are actually almost the same as efforts through awareness campaigns. The difference is, the effort through education is an official government effort carried out on the basis of a programmed and systematic curriculum and activities. In essence, efforts through education are also intended to provide knowledge and awareness of human rights, but with the target community groups who are still in school and college age.

PMP (Pendidikan Moral Pancasila/Pancasila Moral Education) which has now changed to PPKn (Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan/Pancasila and Citizenship Education) is the only subject that provides material about human rights to students and students. In this subject, there is special material on human rights. In addition, it is also taught about the rights and obligations of citizens. Human rights as well as rights and obligations in general are usually given in this lesson on the main legal basis of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Efforts through education are actually very important and vital to impart knowledge and awareness of human rights. This is because these efforts are made for students who are still in their infancy and their awareness and personality are relatively easy to shape. However, efforts through school education, unfortunately, have so far been considered to have not brought maximum results.

Material on human rights is not provided as an independent subject, but is only a small part of the PPKn lesson. In addition, lessons on human rights are not matched by providing adequate examples. What is taught to students is often contrary to real life situations. Students are educated to understand and respect human rights, but in real life many government officials, leaders and figures have committed human rights violations. This causes human rights learning to students to be less fully absorbed and lived up to.

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Awareness and Advocacy Campaigns

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


The human rights awareness campaign is a simultaneous movement carried out to instill awareness of the importance of human rights among citizens. Through this action the understanding was instilled that every citizen has human rights and human rights must be protected, guaranteed and respected. A human rights campaign is deemed necessary, especially targeting the grassroots whose knowledge and awareness of human rights are generally lacking.

Human rights awareness campaigns are commonly carried out through various forums. Various meeting forums, formal or informal, are used to increase insight and awareness about human rights. Seminars, discussions, workshops, dialogues and free forums are often used especially by human rights institutions (Komnas HAM) and non-governmental bodies (NGOs) to campaign for human rights to the community. Through informal (non-formal) meetings with the lower class society, human rights activists also often carry out awareness-raising actions.

Advocacy is a movement to assist and defend victims of human rights violations. Advocacy is carried out during the trial process of cases of human rights violations so that victims can receive proper protection and defense and that the cases can be given a correct and fair decision by the court. The targets of advocacy are mainly victims of human rights violations who are economically and politically weak.

So far, especially before the arrival of the reform era, efforts to uphold human rights through campaigns and advocacy were mostly carried out by non-governmental organizations. Non-governmental organizations that are known to be active and aggressively take this route include LBHI (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia/Indonesian Legal Aid Institute) and Kontras (Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan/Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence). Observers of human rights consider these two institutions to be instrumental in efforts to uphold human rights in Indonesia through campaigns and advocacy.

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights in Indonesia

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


In the history of human life, human rights (HAM) –– as well as democracy –– have become a problem that has often attracted attention. In certain periods, human rights sometimes go unnoticed, but if there are few problems related to it, issues about it will quickly spread and attract attention. Why is that? How did it happen?

The issue of human rights has actually emerged for centuries. However, entering the 21st century, the issue of human rights has returned to heat and has received serious attention. The resurgence of the issue regarding this one matter is mainly triggered by the contradiction that in modern times that no longer justifies the existence of imperialism, in many areas there are still various forms of oppression against humans.

Many international circles are deeply concerned about this. To recall the importance of protecting and upholding human rights, the United Nations, international institutions and developed countries, among others, enacted provisions that cooperation and assistance to certain countries was linked to human rights issues. Cooperation and assistance will be carried out with and to a country if the government of the country concerned can guarantee the protection and upholding of citizens' human rights.

Meanwhile, in our own country, the issue of human rights also happened to be heating up again and sticking out strongly towards the end of the 20th century, to be precise during the reformation movement era in 1997-1998. After the fall of the authoritarian and iron-fisted New Order regime (May 1998), the issue of human rights became increasingly heated and arose. As a form of seriousness in making efforts to protect and enforce human rights, one year later a special law on human rights, namely Law no. 39/1999.

To deal with the number of cases of human rights violations, especially serious violations, efforts to protect and enforce human rights are constantly being carried out. Even though at this time there have been many fewer cases of human rights violations, efforts to protect and uphold human rights are deemed necessary as part of an effort to prevent violations and simultaneously promote human rights. This is deemed necessary both in international coverage and in national coverage in every country - particularly in developing countries.

During the New Order government, efforts to protect and enforce human rights in Indonesia can be said to have been neglected; and what is actually happening are human rights violations by government officials. However, since entering the reform era in 1998, efforts to protect and enforce human rights have entered an exciting new chapter. These efforts are being carried out increasingly intensively, while awareness of the importance of human rights is growing and developing.

Efforts to protect and uphold human rights in Indonesia are generally pursued in five ways, namely first, through awareness campaigns and advocacy; second, through education; third, through the formation of legislation (legislation); fourth, through the establishment of human rights institutions; and fifth, through the judiciary (court). These five efforts are deemed necessary to be integrated. With integrated efforts through these five channels, efforts to protect and uphold human rights are expected to achieve the expected results. Further more detailed efforts can be read in the articles "Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Campaign for Human Rights Awareness and Advocacy", "Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Education", "Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Formulation of Legislation on Human Rights", "Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Establishment of Human Rights Institutions", and "Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Courts" in the same blog.

The Meaning of Nationalism

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


The life of a community can run well if it is supported by a spirit of togetherness and kinship. Community life always takes place in various dynamics and ups and downs of interests. The spirit of togetherness and kinship plays a role in accommodating the interests of individuals and groups so that they can be fought for in a corridor that does not violate norms.

The spirit of togetherness and kinship is also needed in the life of a community called nation and state. However, to accommodate the interests of individuals and groups in the life of the nation and state, the spirit of togetherness and kinship alone is considered insufficient. In order to maintain the existence and sustainability of the nation and state and to achieve progress and glory in the present and future, another higher level spirit is needed, namely the spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

Nationalism and patriotism do not just reflect togetherness and kinship. Nationalism and patriotism also include a sense of love and belonging and a strong willingness to defend what is loved and owned at the expense of body and soul. Thus, nationalism and patriotism are essential for every nation and state that wishes to remain intact, strong, victorious, and able to achieve its goals.

What is the true spirit of nationalism or nationalism? What is the urgency or importance in the life of society, nation and state? What is the function and role in the effort to create a strong, whole, advanced and prosperous nation and state?

In terms of language, the national spirit has the same meaning as nationalism. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia  (2002: 775–776), nationalism is defined as the 'spirit of nationality'. Also explain that nationalism has two interrelated meanings, namely (a) understanding (teachings) to love the nation and the state itself; (b) awareness of membership in a nation that can potentially or actually achieve, maintain and perpetuate the identity, integrity, prosperity and strength of the nation.

In terms of etymology or the origin of the word, 'nationalism' itself actually comes from the word nation, which means 'nation'. The word nation (from English) was adapted to 'nasion' (Indonesian). Then, to show the spirit or ethos in the framework of national life, the nation was further adapted to become 'nationalism' - which is defined as the spirit of nationalism.

In the realm of state and nationality, nationalism is given a variety of meanings, but the basic meaning is relatively the same. In the British Encyclopedia, nationalism is defined as the state of the soul of every individual who feels that in a secular world, everyone has the highest loyalty to the national state. According to Hans Kohn (1976: 12), nationalism is a notion that considers the highest loyalty of each individual to be addressed to the nation state. Another definition states that nationalism is the mental attitude and behavior of individuals or communities that show loyalty and high dedication to their own nation and state, which is based on a determination to live as one nation in the same country regardless of ethnic, religious, and class differences. .

From the various meanings that have emerged, one common thread can be drawn that nationalism is centered on and has the core of love, loyalty and devotion to one's own nation. This shows that nationalism binds and bonds the relationship between citizens or people and the nation and state. Nationalism also serves as the glue of relations between citizens because it contains the willingness to live in one nation and one country regardless of various differences.

The Meaning of Patriotism

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


Like living things, patriotism can be said to be the sibling of nationalism. Both were born from the same womb, namely awareness of the importance of defending the nation and state. In the context of national and state awareness, patriotism and nationalism cannot or are very difficult to separate because they are complementary (complementary; complementary).

The closeness between nationalism and patriotism can be seen more clearly from the meanings they contain. If nationalism is briefly defined as "national spirit", patriotism means "love of the motherland". Regarding a more specific understanding of patriotism, the following will be explained in more detail.

Patriotism comes from the word ‘patria’  or ‘patris’, which means 'homeland'. Patria or patris then experienced an adaptation to become a patriot, which means "lover (defender) of the country". In the context of nationality and statehood, the word patriot is sharpened so that it becomes patriotism.

Patriotism raises a strong mental attitude in viewing the nation and homeland. Patriotism then has various meanings or sentence descriptions (by experts and reference sources), but the outcome remains one, namely love and willingness to sacrifice for the country. According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia  (2002), patriotism  is the attitude of someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for the glory and prosperity of his homeland. Meanwhile, several other sources define patriotism as the understanding / teaching of love for the country or the spirit of loving the country.

On various occasions, patriotism is often equated with nationalism. They are in essence different, but, as mentioned earlier, they are very similar and very close. Nationalism arises from the awareness to form a nation and form a state, while patriotism emerges from the awareness to defend and defend the nation and state that has been formed. The birth of patriotism is based on nationalism.

The Important Value of Nationalism and Patriotism

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Source: Shutterstock

Can a nation and state maintain its survival without being supported by the nationalism and patriotism of its people? What will the fate of a nation and state be if the nationalism and patriotism of the people is thin or weak? It can be said that a nation and a state whose people have little or no nationalism and patriotism, sooner or later, will be neglected and may eventually disband. In certain cases, for example in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, even neglect and dissolution occurred without attack by other nations and countries, aka it happened by itself.

This shows that nationalism and patriotism are absolutely necessary in maintaining the survival of the nation and state (nation-state). Citizens or people of a country and nation are obliged to have nationalism and patriotism if they want the existence and survival of the nation and state to be maintained. For future needs, nationalism and patriotism not only function as guardians of integrity and survival, but also as driving force for the creation of a strong, advanced and prosperous nation and state.

It has become like a natural law and applies universally to all nations and countries - including us, Indonesia. Gradually, nationalism and patriotism will graph the development of a nation and a country which has increased from time to time to reach a high degree. This can be seen in the case of several countries, for example Germany and Japan. These two nations and countries are known to have strong and high nationalism and patriotism so that even after losing the war and being destroyed (post-World War II) they were able to rise and achieve significant strength and progress.

In the early stages, nationalism and patriotism will make the nation and state safe and intact. Nations and countries where all components of their citizens have high nationalism and patriotism, will be relatively able to defend themselves from divisions and undermines (including attacks from outside and within). Guaranteed security and integrity, making nationalism and patriotism able to foster an ethos of self-improvement and self-development and mobilizing initiatives to take real action to achieve progress and prosperity in life.

One thing should be noted that nationalism and patriotism must be embedded in a measured and proportional manner; in a sense, it is not excessive to result in a chauvinistic attitude (to love one's own nation and state excessively). Excessive nationalism and patriotism can lead to a narrow attitude that does not care and respect other nations and countries. This attitude will backfire dangerous because other nations and countries are partners in cooperation that can be a determining factor in achieving peace and progress in life.

Nationalism and patriotism must also be applied in the right direction. Nationalism and patriotism must be aimed at the nation and the state as a whole, not only at the government which is currently in power. The government is only one element (within the nation and state), which is entrusted with the mandate to manage the life of the nation and state.

The correct placement of nationalism and patriotism in relation to the government's position is to be cooperative and critical of the government. We fully support the government in carrying out state programs as long as government behavior and policies do not conflict with the constitution and laws and regulations. On the other hand, we demand law enforcement, replacement, and improvement if government behavior and policies are contrary to the constitution and laws and regulations.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Expressing Nationalism and Patriotism

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


Nationalism and patriotism are not situational and conditional; that is, it can only be applied or implemented in certain circumstances, for example during the colonial period and war. Nationalism and patriotism apply to all ages and can be applied in all circumstances. Both can also be applied in all places and environments.

Nationalism and patriotism apply to all citizens. All members of society are responsible for having and implementing nationalism and patriotism. With their respective positions and roles, every citizen is required to apply nationalism and patriotism in accordance with the situations and conditions faced so that the existence, integrity and survival of our nation and state are maintained and progress and welfare can be achieved together.

We are obliged to emulate the leaders of freedom fighters and founders of the nation and state who have clearly shown great nationalism and patriotism in order to create and uphold the Indonesian nation and state which is independent, sovereign, dignified, just and advanced. With their nationalism and patriotism, they succeeded in gaining independence and establishing the Indonesian nation and state. They leave the nation and state to us to maintain their existence, integrity and survival and seek justice, progress and prosperity.

We, as the next generation, have never felt firsthand the weight of the struggle for independence and founding the nation and state. Right now we just live to enjoy the beauty and comfort of independence. We just need to run a series of development programs to achieve progress in various fields of life.

How can we ensure that development can proceed well and produce the progress we dream of? Nationalism and patriotism are the keys. During this development period, the spirit of nationalism as well as love and willingness to sacrifice for the country can be manifested in various forms of behavior and actions. In our position and in our respective environment, we can express nationalism and patriotism in various ways.

Students and youth, as future successors and leaders of the nation and state, are the people who must be active and creative in implementing nationalism and patriotism. The neglect of students and youth from the responsibility to implement nationalism and patriotism in the development process will backfire which is very unfavorable for themselves. If development fails due to the lack or absence of nationalism and patriotism, they themselves will be the ones who will bear the heaviest consequences because they are the ones who will live a long life for the future.

The opportunity to express nationalism and patriotism is wide open before us. Various areas of life and the environment in which we live call us to passionately express nationalism and patriotism. We no longer live in a period of colonialism and war. Expressions of nationalism and patriotism can be manifested through various attitudes and actions in daily routine life at home, school, office, neighborhood, and so on. Following are some examples of attitudes and actions in implementing nationalism and patriotism.

v     The real “battle” event for students is the world of education and teaching. Successful students are students who excel in their field of study at school. The high achievement of students in education will later deliver and place them in an important position in development to achieve various advances. Thus, as a form of expression of nationalism and patriotism, students are required to be diligent in studying and practicing subjects in school, reading and writing a lot, diligently following developments in science and technology, being honest, and being polite and respectful.

v    In the vicinity of where we live, various community activities are commonly carried out, including youth activities through the youth organization. Most of the activities carried out are generally useful activities, such as night patrols to maintain environmental security, community service cleaning the roads, social services, helping residents who are having a celebration, and RT and RW meetings to plan joint activities. In fact, such village activities are part of development (in small and limited units). So, people and youth who have nationalism and patriotism will actively participate in activities carried out by the community in their village.

v    To finance development, the government needs a lot of funds. Apart from exploiting natural resources, development funds are obtained from tax collection. Citizens who claim to be nationalist and patriotic will continue to pay taxes regularly without having to be chased or threatened.

v     To carry out development smoothly, we need conducive situations and conditions. Security, order and stability must always be guaranteed. Citizens who have nationalism and patriotism will take an active part in the efforts to maintain environmental security and order and comply with the rules and regulations in force. In a state of emergency or danger due to threats from within or from outside (attacks from other countries), every citizen must be ready to participate in efforts to defend the state.

v    In international forums, there are often competitions between countries in various fields, such as sports competitions, arts festivals, and subject Olympics (especially mathematics and science). To realize the love for the nation and state, we can try to become one of the participants who represent the country. If we are elected as representatives of the country to participate in the competition, we must appear fair and sporty and try our best to become winners and champions.

v    Indonesia is rich in various types of arts and culture, such as folk music and songs, regional dances, traditional fine arts, traditional ceremonies, and traditional houses and clothing. Most of the arts and culture typical of the region have high value, which many even admire and imitate and some other nations claim as their own (for example, batik, reog, and pendet dance which is claimed by one of the neighboring countries as their own). As citizens, we must care and participate actively in state programs aimed at saving and preserving the nation's cultural arts.

v To meet the various needs of the community, various kinds of consumer goods have been produced domestically. Meanwhile, due to the introduction of free trade, our domestic market has also begun to be flooded with goods produced by foreign countries. To reflect the attitudes of nationalism and patriotism, we should prefer and use domestically produced goods in an effort to meet various needs.

Definition of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


Our country is the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia - commonly abbreviated as NKRI. NKRI is a name and form that is final. This means that the Republic of Indonesia is designated as a permanent form of state and will always be maintained forever. Then, what is actually called the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)? To find out the meaning of NKRI, you are welcome to follow the following description.

In the word or abbreviation NKRI, there are four main elements that determine the meaning contained in it. The four elements are the state, unity, republic, and Indonesia. These four elements explicitly and firmly state that Indonesia is a unitary state as well as a republic. This shows that "Indonesia" is a "unitary" country and the government is in the form of a "republic".

Provisions regarding the certainty of Indonesia as a unitary state and a republic are very clearly regulated in our constitution. In the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 1 Paragraph (1) it is explained that "the State of Indonesia is a Unitary State in the form of a republic." Meanwhile, in Article 18 Paragraph (1) it is explained, "The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into provincial areas and provincial areas are divided into districts and cities, each of which has a regional government, which is regulated by Constitution."

Based on the constitution (the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia), it is clear that Indonesia is a country that is formed in a unified and unified unit. As a unitary state, Indonesia is not divided into states. Even though it has regions that are divided into various provinces, each of which has its own regional government, Indonesia is not divided into separate government units independent of the central government. Although it has a diversity of religions, ethnicities, cultures, customs, and so on, Indonesia is also not shaky in the life of an exclusive and isolated group. The regulation and control of the life of the nation and state in Indonesia is held by the central government, which has internal and external sovereignty.

Even though the central government has the main control over the life of the nation and state, in regulating the affairs of citizens' life there is no accumulation and monopoly of authority by the central government. The central government does not dominate and take over all problems nor does it hold all development activities in all regions of the country. However, the central government only regulates matters of a national strategic nature. As for other problems related to regional interests, the handling is left up to the government and local communities.

This has become a standard provision because since entering the reform era (1998/1999), our country has implemented regional autonomy and decentralization. Regional autonomy and decentralization itself are implemented on the basis of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (post-amendment) and UU No. 32/2004. In Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it is emphasized that local governments - in this case the provincial, district and city governments - regulate and manage government affairs themselves according to the principle of autonomy. As for the UU No. 32/2004 concerning Regional Government, among others, explains that regional autonomy is the right, authority and obligation of an autonomous region to regulate and manage government affairs and the interests of local communities in accordance with statutory regulations.

The implementation of regional autonomy and decentralization is not merely a means of sharing power between the central government and local governments within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. However, its implementation was mainly to strengthen the Republic of Indonesia itself. Regional autonomy and decentralization, among others, are intended to strengthen the implementation of democracy, empower regional potential, and accelerate development in the regions so that equitable distribution of welfare throughout the country is expected to be faster and easier to achieve. If this is realized, NKRI will automatically maintain its strength and integrity because prosperity is a key factor in creating stability, security and order.

Functions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Function is the role that is performed or played. Functions are linked to goals. Concretely, functions are carried out and carried out in order to achieve certain goals. Thus, NKRI has a number of functions because NKRI also has a purpose. The functions of the Republic of Indonesia are carried out to achieve the goals of the Republic of Indonesia.

As usual for the state, NKRI carries out the functions to achieve the goals of living as a state as proclaimed at the beginning of the formation of the state and stipulated in the constitution. The function of the Republic of Indonesia itself cannot be separated from the general function of the state. We can observe the general functions of the state, and are also likely relevant as the functions of the Republic of Indonesia.

  Conducting Control

In a country there is the possibility of conflicts between individuals and groups due to differences in interests. On the other hand, the state has goals to be achieved together. The goal of a state will be very difficult or impossible to achieve if the components within the country experience endless conflicts.

To prevent and overcome such conflicts, the state has the function of controlling or acting as a stabilizer. This function is performed to create order and harmony. The realization of order and harmony is very important in the effort to achieve the goal of living as a state.

  Strive for Welfare

There is almost no country that does not want to live in prosperity. May all countries desire to live prosperously or prosperously. In this regard, the state has a duty to create welfare for all its citizens. The function of working towards the realization of welfare is even considered the most basic and most important function because welfare (happiness) is seen as the main thing that is generally the most aspired to in human life.

  Make Defense

The existence of the state is not always free from threats from other countries and from its own citizens. Unresolved barriers or attacks, both from outside and from within, can shake and destroy a country. Therefore, the state must carry out a defense function.

The state must be able to design a reliable defense system to ward off and overcome undermines, attacks, and various other forms of negative threats in an effort to defend and maintain its existence. For this purpose, the state must be able to form a strong and professional security apparatus and armed forces unit. In addition, the state is also required to have defense equipment in the form of complete and sophisticated weaponry.

  Upholding Justice

Within a country, it is common to live a variety of diverse ethnic, religious and social groups –– this is especially true in a pluralistic country like Indonesia. In the diversity and dynamics of people's lives, it is not uncommon for clashes and violations of the law to disrupt security and endanger the integrity of society. Regarding things like this, the state has the function of enforcing justice.

Conflicts and violations of law must be resolved fairly by the state. Through its legal apparatus and judicial institutions, the state is required to be a fair resolution for conflicts and law violations that occur in society. To carry out this function properly, the state must have law enforcement officers who are honest, clean, high integrity, professional and authoritative.

These four functions are the key to the creation of the Republic of Indonesia that is able to achieve the goal of living as a state. If the four functions can be carried out properly, the ideals of the NKRI that are orderly, safe, strong, intact, prosperous and just will be easier to be realized. The function of the state cannot be separated from the objectives to be achieved by the country concerned, this is the case with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Purpose of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Source: zamroni design -

Every country has a purpose in life. State objectives are usually listed in the constitution of each country. The purpose of life for each country varies according to the basis of the country and the ideology and philosophy of life of each.

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), since its inception, has had clear, steady and permanent goals. The goals of the Republic of Indonesia were formulated by the founders of the state during the struggle for independence and then stipulated in the state constitution (basic law) at the beginning of independence. As stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia), the fourth paragraph, the objectives of our country are as follows:

   protect the entire Indonesian nation and all Indonesian blood;

   promote the common good;

    enrich the life of a nation; and

   share in carrying out world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.

These goals are still global. To make it happen in real everyday life, these goals are to be achieved through the implementation of national development. Therefore, in more detail, the objectives of the country can be seen in the objectives of each period of national development carried out by the government.

Basically, the goals of the state as stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, are the basic objectives or main objectives of the state which must be maintained in continuity and consistency in its achievement. As already mentioned, that goal is permanent. By itself, the vision, mission, strategy and national development agenda carried out by every government that leads the Indonesian state are not allowed to go out of these basic goals or main objectives.

Each government that leads the country has the freedom to formulate a national development program according to its respective principles or platforms. The vision, mission, strategy and agenda that will be carried out can have various features and characteristics according to the situations and conditions of life of the community, nation and state that are being faced. However, all instruments and the direction of the national development goals that are being carried out must remain tapered towards the main goals or basic goals of the state as stated in the constitution (Opening of the 1945 Republic of Indonesia UUD).

Components and Characteristics of Human Rights

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


From the definitions of human rights above (Check the “Definition of Human Rights”), we can see some of the components and characteristics or characteristics contained in human rights. These components and characteristics are related to the essence of human beings and their existence and survival in the world as creatures created by God Almighty. The components in this case are intended as dimensions or aspects that are contained in human rights and cannot be separated from them. As for what is meant as a characteristic is the role of human rights in human life.

These components and characteristics Amatlah determine human existence and human rights. Understanding of the components and characteristics of human rights will determine efforts to protect, enforce and promote human rights. These components and properties can be described as follows.

   Human rights are natural because they are gifts or gifts from God. Humans are gifted by God with human rights from birth. God gives human rights to humans so that humans have the ability, power, or authority to do things that are necessary for their survival.

   Only God has the right and can take away or revoke human rights; other than Him not. Only God can, rightly, and should remove human rights (through death) because human rights are a direct gift from God. As for fellow human beings, it is not allowed to cancel each other's human rights.

   Automatically human rights are inherent and owned by and by every individual human being. Ownership is not bound by ethnicity, race, class, nationality, gender, and so on.

   Human rights determine human dignity and honor. The level of dignity or position of a human being is determined by the fulfillment of his human rights. Individuals whose human rights are fulfilled will have a different dignity from individuals whose human rights are not fulfilled (violated).

   Human rights greatly affect the existence and survival of individual human beings. Human existence and survival are also determined by the fulfillment of their human rights. Individuals whose human rights are guaranteed, their existence and survival will also be guaranteed, and vice versa.

   Human rights must be upheld, respected and protected. Human rights should not be violated by anyone. Violation of human rights is a violation of human values ​​which will cause the degeneration of human dignity and so that human rights violations constitute acts of violation of the law that must be rewarded with appropriate sanctions /punishments.