Monday, September 14, 2020

Components and Characteristics of Human Rights

 By  Akhmad Zamroni


From the definitions of human rights above (Check the “Definition of Human Rights”), we can see some of the components and characteristics or characteristics contained in human rights. These components and characteristics are related to the essence of human beings and their existence and survival in the world as creatures created by God Almighty. The components in this case are intended as dimensions or aspects that are contained in human rights and cannot be separated from them. As for what is meant as a characteristic is the role of human rights in human life.

These components and characteristics Amatlah determine human existence and human rights. Understanding of the components and characteristics of human rights will determine efforts to protect, enforce and promote human rights. These components and properties can be described as follows.

   Human rights are natural because they are gifts or gifts from God. Humans are gifted by God with human rights from birth. God gives human rights to humans so that humans have the ability, power, or authority to do things that are necessary for their survival.

   Only God has the right and can take away or revoke human rights; other than Him not. Only God can, rightly, and should remove human rights (through death) because human rights are a direct gift from God. As for fellow human beings, it is not allowed to cancel each other's human rights.

   Automatically human rights are inherent and owned by and by every individual human being. Ownership is not bound by ethnicity, race, class, nationality, gender, and so on.

   Human rights determine human dignity and honor. The level of dignity or position of a human being is determined by the fulfillment of his human rights. Individuals whose human rights are fulfilled will have a different dignity from individuals whose human rights are not fulfilled (violated).

   Human rights greatly affect the existence and survival of individual human beings. Human existence and survival are also determined by the fulfillment of their human rights. Individuals whose human rights are guaranteed, their existence and survival will also be guaranteed, and vice versa.

   Human rights must be upheld, respected and protected. Human rights should not be violated by anyone. Violation of human rights is a violation of human values ​​which will cause the degeneration of human dignity and so that human rights violations constitute acts of violation of the law that must be rewarded with appropriate sanctions /punishments.

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