Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Efforts to Protect and Uphold Human Rights: Human Rights Education

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Source: static.pexels.com

Efforts to protect and enforce human rights through education are actually almost the same as efforts through awareness campaigns. The difference is, the effort through education is an official government effort carried out on the basis of a programmed and systematic curriculum and activities. In essence, efforts through education are also intended to provide knowledge and awareness of human rights, but with the target community groups who are still in school and college age.

PMP (Pendidikan Moral Pancasila/Pancasila Moral Education) which has now changed to PPKn (Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan/Pancasila and Citizenship Education) is the only subject that provides material about human rights to students and students. In this subject, there is special material on human rights. In addition, it is also taught about the rights and obligations of citizens. Human rights as well as rights and obligations in general are usually given in this lesson on the main legal basis of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Efforts through education are actually very important and vital to impart knowledge and awareness of human rights. This is because these efforts are made for students who are still in their infancy and their awareness and personality are relatively easy to shape. However, efforts through school education, unfortunately, have so far been considered to have not brought maximum results.

Material on human rights is not provided as an independent subject, but is only a small part of the PPKn lesson. In addition, lessons on human rights are not matched by providing adequate examples. What is taught to students is often contrary to real life situations. Students are educated to understand and respect human rights, but in real life many government officials, leaders and figures have committed human rights violations. This causes human rights learning to students to be less fully absorbed and lived up to.

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