Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Meaning of Nationalism

 By  Akhmad Zamroni

Source: www.jawapos.com

The life of a community can run well if it is supported by a spirit of togetherness and kinship. Community life always takes place in various dynamics and ups and downs of interests. The spirit of togetherness and kinship plays a role in accommodating the interests of individuals and groups so that they can be fought for in a corridor that does not violate norms.

The spirit of togetherness and kinship is also needed in the life of a community called nation and state. However, to accommodate the interests of individuals and groups in the life of the nation and state, the spirit of togetherness and kinship alone is considered insufficient. In order to maintain the existence and sustainability of the nation and state and to achieve progress and glory in the present and future, another higher level spirit is needed, namely the spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

Nationalism and patriotism do not just reflect togetherness and kinship. Nationalism and patriotism also include a sense of love and belonging and a strong willingness to defend what is loved and owned at the expense of body and soul. Thus, nationalism and patriotism are essential for every nation and state that wishes to remain intact, strong, victorious, and able to achieve its goals.

What is the true spirit of nationalism or nationalism? What is the urgency or importance in the life of society, nation and state? What is the function and role in the effort to create a strong, whole, advanced and prosperous nation and state?

In terms of language, the national spirit has the same meaning as nationalism. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia  (2002: 775–776), nationalism is defined as the 'spirit of nationality'. Also explain that nationalism has two interrelated meanings, namely (a) understanding (teachings) to love the nation and the state itself; (b) awareness of membership in a nation that can potentially or actually achieve, maintain and perpetuate the identity, integrity, prosperity and strength of the nation.

In terms of etymology or the origin of the word, 'nationalism' itself actually comes from the word nation, which means 'nation'. The word nation (from English) was adapted to 'nasion' (Indonesian). Then, to show the spirit or ethos in the framework of national life, the nation was further adapted to become 'nationalism' - which is defined as the spirit of nationalism.

In the realm of state and nationality, nationalism is given a variety of meanings, but the basic meaning is relatively the same. In the British Encyclopedia, nationalism is defined as the state of the soul of every individual who feels that in a secular world, everyone has the highest loyalty to the national state. According to Hans Kohn (1976: 12), nationalism is a notion that considers the highest loyalty of each individual to be addressed to the nation state. Another definition states that nationalism is the mental attitude and behavior of individuals or communities that show loyalty and high dedication to their own nation and state, which is based on a determination to live as one nation in the same country regardless of ethnic, religious, and class differences. .

From the various meanings that have emerged, one common thread can be drawn that nationalism is centered on and has the core of love, loyalty and devotion to one's own nation. This shows that nationalism binds and bonds the relationship between citizens or people and the nation and state. Nationalism also serves as the glue of relations between citizens because it contains the willingness to live in one nation and one country regardless of various differences.

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